
We cocreate your company culture as you grow, to be inclusive, sustainable, and reflect brand values

Our Steer ED&I audit helps us build an understanding together of the challenges you are facing. Whether it's retention in a specific area, generation or skill set, or your employer brand not attracting the right talent in the right areas. Maybe some employees are indicating they don't feel part of the team, or you're struggling to identify, promote or attract diverse leaders. We need to know the problem before we can fix it...

Step one: Read the map

Steer ED&I audit

Step two: Plot the course

Steer: Leadership Sessions

Once we've identified the issues, it's vital to engage the leadership team - their buy-in to the issues identified & co-production of the solution is key to navigating in choppy times.

We facilitate Steer Leadership Sessions that "lift the lid" on why a deliberate approach to ED&I is vital in an ever changing world, ensuring buy-in on issues and solutions. These are followed by a co-produced ED&I Mission & Vision including a Framework, Statement, Plan package designed to drive change through the business.

Step three: Move forward in partnership

Steer: Delivery

Once the strategy is set, we review Talent Processes aligned to your Mission & Vision, or build them with you from scratch. We design Job Descriptions, build Competency Frameworks, review Attraction Strategies and ensure they land via Inclusive Hiring Workshops. We then Monitor performance and adjust to help you keep on course.